“The rhythms of the sea are, like our heartbeats, metronomes that underlie the rhythms of music and poetry,”
writes poetry professor David Mason of Colorado College in his book Reading and Writing the Sea.
Perhaps this is why we find so much musical talent on our beautiful Banderas Bay. The Puerto Vallarta area has given birth to many wonderful musicians and attracts more every day from all over the world. The people living in Puerto Vallarta and visiting from afar are inspired by the musical energy found throughout the area. However, the challenge of learning who these musicians are and where they are playing has frustrated many a traveler. That is partially the reason for this website—to help them find the music I so much enjoy.
The second reason, and perhaps the more important to me, is my passion for the music and the pleasure I derive from hearing my favorite groups play as often as I can. I want to see them continue to thrive!
Here on Vallarta Sounds I will try to furnish information that I hope will be helpful and interesting to you on an ongoing basis beginning with my current favorites and providing more information as my music world expands.
Thanks for joining us!